Perfectly in tune :)
"Discordant is a captivating tale about life, death, good, evil, and the power of rock and roll. I was completely hooked from the start.
Mia Dalia’s writing is enthralling; her use of language keeps you turning page after page, not only to see what happens but to enjoy its effortless beauty. She creates characters you want to know. and her plot is like a rafting down a river: it starts gently enough but without warning turns into a ride that moves faster and faster until you shoot over the falls. The proof of this book’s magic is that I was reading it at night and had to stay up until well after midnight to finish it because I couldn’t wait until the next day. Discordant is a fresh new take on a story as old as country blues."
– JG Faherty, author of Songs in the Key of Death, Ragman, and The Wakening

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