"Estate Sale is a sweeping historical horror story rooted in global upheaval and a dark quest for occult secrets. Mia Dalia has penned an epic tale of undying love with bloody repercussions that echo across the centuries. This is one debut novel you don’t want to miss.”
—Douglas Wynne, author of Smoke & Dagger and His Own Devices
"Dark, brooding, and wonderfully creepy, this stunning debut brings to mind the best Gothic works of the past century while charting a territory that is entirely its own. A must for horror fans!"
—Jethro Wegener, author of Lost City Of Terror
I loved it. A clever, erudite and thrilling book! Mia Dalia’s Estate Sale is an original and terrific take on the classic “cursed objects” trope. Blending real historical figures and events and pure occult tales, Mia Dalia weaves a convincing and powerful narrative, which is also a dark portrait of a woman of her times. A must-read for all lovers of literary horror!
—Seb Doubinsky, author of City-States series, co-author of Turning of the Seasons
Mia Dalia’s Estate Sale is at once a love story and a supernatural mystery shifting back and forth across time and geography. It spans various places and events of the past hundred years, such as Paris in the Jazz Age, Aleister Crowley in 1930s Berlin, the London Blitz, and Upstate New York at the dawn of the 21st century. The magical, occult journey of Ana and her husband Pavel begins in Russia on the eve of the Bolshevik Revolution, and a marriage of convenience between nobility morphs into true love. Pavel, a scholar of the occult, will do whatever it takes to spend eternity with Ana, even if it means imbuing items with magic that touches the lives of people in sinister, frightening ways. This is a fun, engaging, and mysterious read.
—Arthur Shattuck O’Keefe, author of The Spirit Phone
Mia Dalia has a richly vivid imagination, immersing you in two different worlds...the past and the present. When those two worlds collide, through magically imbued objects sold at an Estate sale, many lives are altered...for eternity!
Prepare yourself for a journey, transforming not only the reader, but redefining the horror genre itself!
—Suzie Lockhart, Independent Author & Editor of Killing It Softly I & II
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